Residential Series

Development Application Sets

Documentation sets for development applications with council.
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Site Plan

Site boundary with proposed and existing structures on site survey with setbacks, vehicle, pedestrian access and landscaping.
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Site Analysis

Site boundary with proposed structure, local area amenity, proximity landmarks, wind, weather, solar and noise influences.
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Landscape Plan

Site boundary with proposed landscaping and calculations.
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Compliance Table/Plan

Plan showing compliance table, ground floor area, garage, first floor area, private open space, landscaped area.
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Floor Plans

Plans showing design of the build including internal walls, windows, doors, use of rooms
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Streetscape Elevation

Facade elevation showing proposed development and neighbouring structures.
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Elevations of all sides, North, South, East and West. Showing RL heights, window and door openings.
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Section details of length and width of site. Internal and external wall structures detailed.
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Materials & Finishes

Exterior materials and finishes attributed to the structure.
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